Thursday 12 June 2014

Comments about our Sharing Day

These are just a few comments about our May 9, 2014 sharing day. I have left these anonymous but have the sources of each if anyone is interested: “Wow! The presentation and discussion about the use of graphic texts and comics were very helpful to me and I plan on using many of the ideas in my English classes. The information and ideas were relevant and useful for all levels and all grades. Great day!” “The PD opportunity put on by Liana and crew was one of the most rewarding I've had the pleasure to experience in a long while. The ability to leave a workshop with hands-on activities that can be implemented the very next day is always a teacher's dream! Further to this, I left the workshop with a slew of new graphic texts that I was now more familiar with and purchased for my department. All teachers leading the various sessions provided us with access to creative approaches, success stories, downloadable materials, and expertise regarding teaching students how to be successful with these types of texts. Great workshop!” "An excellent opportunity to learn new approaches and techniques - the presenters helped me move towards effective use of technology and rekindled my love for comic books!" "The sharing experience on comic books in the classroom was an excellent opportunity to see the creative, engaging, and differentiated lessons going on in other classrooms. It's is always a wonderful experience to share best practices. In particular, the multimedia presentations, including access to i-Pads, helped to facilitate teacher interaction and growth." "Graphic novels are an underused genre in the English classroom. I left the session with new ideas for sharing comics with my students and engaging them in whole new ways. Like other texts, they need to be explicitly taught - even to teachers - and the session showed how graphic novels can be a powerful tool to teach important literacy skills while engaging some often hard to reach learners." "Having spent much of my time teaching in a different discipline, I found it truly interesting to listen and observe the various techniques that can be used by teachers to improve student literacy skills. The enthusiasm by presenters and participants was palpable. Congratulations on a job well done." I will be adding more comments as they come in.

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